EVS vacancy
Russia, Razdolye

01.09.2020 - 31.08.2021
About the project
The project of supported living is a village house where people with disabilities live with support and assistance of specialists and volunteers. It is a project in cooperation with orthodox church community. This project gives opportunity for such people to have decent lives and to live independently (not in a government boarding house and without parents).
There are 7 men and women who have started to live in the house. Together with specialists they learn how to keep house, build relationships with neighbors and take the initiative. They help in a church, clean the territory, plant a garden, visit ceramic workshop.
This project is for someone who loves countryside and privacy. The village (around 1300 inhabitants) is surrounded by beautiful pure lakes, pine forest and northern nature of Karelia. Two main ski centres of Saint Petersburg are situated nearby.

What we offer
Social work experience
You will learn how to work with adults with physical and mental disabilities. You will be surrounded by specialists with big experience. We also provide volunteers with traings and seminars.
International team
Every year we have 15-20 volunteers from Europe and Russia. One year. One big family.
Coordinator's support
Volunteers have a coordinator who is responsible for organization of all the issues related to living in Russia. At the project volunteers will have a person who gives them emotional support.

Russian language classes
During two months, twice a week after work, volunteers shall attend Russian language classes. It could be organized by skype lessons.
Daily duties
Volunteer's main activity is taking care of their wards (assisting with drinking and eating, hygienic care - tooth brushing, changing clothes) and organising their free time (events, workshops, excursions) in cooperation with specialists.
Work schedule
There is always a specialist in the house who assists disabled people living there. Volunteer works one week for 28 hours and next week for 40 hours (4 days during the week and 1 day on weekend).
Where and how volunteers live?
Volunteers will share an apartment and have private rooms. It takes 5 minutes walking to reach working place. Necessary grocery shops are situated in the village. This project runs more than one year and local community is always ready to help.
Apartments will be provided with Internet connection; however, a volunteer shall pay for it, and for all necessary equipment (e.g. Wi-Fi router). If anything goes wrong, we are always ready to help, and invite our IT specialist or contact the Internet provider company.
Very month volunteer gets pocket money 55 Euro + food money 120 Euro + monthly travel card to get to St. Petersburg during weekend
Several reasons to become a volunteer and come to PERSPEKTIVY

  • spend a year (or several months) meaningfully, to become a friend to our wards;
  • make new friends, learn Russian, eat blini (pancakes) and pies, learn how to cook borsch (beetroot soup), loose (or gain) weight, fall in love, give up, fall in love again, stop planning, travel by Trans-Siberian railway though out whole Russia, and then time comes to say good bye and go back home, taking tons of wonderful memories back with you;
  • make decisions for the future – where to go to study, what profession to choose, in what country to live;
  • live and travel in the country of bears, snow and balalaikas. Understand, that Russia is a civilized country. Visit Pskov, Velikiy Novgorod, Vyborg, Moscow;
  • feel the spirit of Russian culture and find out that although outside it could be dark and gloomy, inside we are friendly and warm hearted people.
Оur volunteers

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